- Supper meetings were being held most months at various restaurants around Ottawa, prior to the pandemic. We started having Zoom meetings recently, with limits on attendance. Please see below to get added to our mailing list.
- We're hoping to try in person dinners again later Fall 2021
- Please see our blog for the latest announcements, discussion, our events, and other events of interest
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- On various Saturdays - On an irregular basis, club members get together to see movies and perhaps have dinner afterwards. Those interested should contact our Communications officer, Alex Binkley
Past meetings included:
About OSFS
- Topic consciousness and the brain presented by Inge Loy-English who has attended some OSFS functions, and Peter Hargraves re some of the philosophical aspects of consciousness.
- How to make the most of the Internet and social media for keeping up with science news and science fiction and fantasy developments. We'll look at some of the online science news services and how they add accuracy and information to the science news claims you see in the newspapers and hear on the radio and TV. We will also look at online sources of news on science fiction and fantasy topics.
- Radioastronomy and Amateur Radio, Glenn MacDonell. Glen says, "Radioastronomy is a young discipline that took off after the second world war and has had a large impact on popular culture. Many radiotelescopes have been used in the Search for Extraterrestrial life (SETI). My talk is organized chronologically beginning with the origins of Radioastronomy and the role radio amateurs played. I also briefly describe the state of the discipline when I encountered it as a Physics undergrad in the late sixties (it was still a young field) and the strong role Canada played then. I conclude with comments on the continuing links to the present day. Of course I'd be happy to answer questions that arise from an audience of science fiction fans."
- Local Authors Seymour Hamilton and John Park discuss their books and the state of the writing business in general. We can also discuss the local writing/author scene and favourite or disliked authors.
The Ottawa Science Fiction Society is an organization of fans of science fiction, fantasy and other speculative fiction in its various forms, whether in prose novels or comics, television or motion pictures, hardcopy or software.
We get our kicks from a lot of things: superhero comics, anime and manga, TV space operas, military and medical fiction ... there is a lot of SF out there you might be surprised to have pointed out to you. Sure, Star Trek and The X-Files are the obvious candidates, but who might think of Tom Clancy's novels or the television show ER as fitting the definition?
We might. If nothing else, we'll hear you out if you think so.
What is SF, anyway?
Obviously, we think SF covers a lot more ground than the stereotypical space-based idea of "Science Fiction." Some hold that SF should stand for "Speculative Fiction" - fiction that looks forward, asks "what if ...", challenges the status quo through the art of story telling. Others feel that this definition is too broad, that all fiction is speculative. Whatever term you choose, you'll get a lively discussion from us.
OSFS is the oldest operating science fiction club in Ottawa. Founded in 1977 and incorporated in 1979, it is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is the cultivation of interest in all aspects of science, science fiction, fantasy and comics.