Annual OSFS Christmas Party Sat Dec 8th, 7pm

Come and be merry! Games provided. Bowls, paper plates, cutlery, serviettes, and plastic  glasses. Bring yourselves, foodstuffs and beverages. Bus stops Smythe Station. Handicapped parking. Ring Party Room from front door of apartment building.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
7:00 pm – midnight
Address: Party Room, 1785 Riverside Drive, Ottawa


Supper meeting Thu Nov 22nd, Nate’s Deli Merivale Rd, 6pm

We’ll be gathering again for a supper meeting on Thursday, November 22nd, 2012, at Nate’s Deli Family Kitchen, 1545 Merivale Road, 613-226-5050, two and a bit blocks south of Baseline & Clyde, on east side of Merivale (former Cora’s building). This is the new location for the original Nate’s from Rideau Street, complete with Dave Smith. 🙂

There is a large separated section at the back of the restaurant, so we can converse better, and have a large number of people at a huge table layout. Official start time is 6pm, reservation is for 5:30, so they’re ready for early-birds.

Please join us for a fun evening, and a brief AGM with discussion on where we’re going from here!