[OSFS] Mailing list set up, Supper meeting Mon Nov 25, 6:30pm, Perkins St Laurent

We are now using a proper mailing list, hosted at NCF.CA to communicate.
This will allow for better communication, as everyone on the list can post to the list. (One simple rule: no nastiness!) Post your book publications, signings, and more.
The link to our mailing list for subscription and unsubscribe requests, and to access the archives, is at: https://lists.ncf.ca/post/lists/osfs.lists.ncf.ca

A reminder that next Monday, November 25/19 is the final OSFS supper get together for the year. Perkins Restaurant at 6:30 pm for plenty of discussion about science and fiction in print and film. Please let us know if you will be attending.  Check out this Meetup with The Ottawa Science Fiction Society https://www.meetup.com/ottawasfs-ca/

PLEASE RSVP at Meetup via the link above, or by email to events@ottawasfs.ca

We need to know how many are coming!
We’ll be back again near the end of January 2020.